Save Indian Family
Save Indian Family Foundation came into existence to provide support to harassed husband and victimized families. The people who formed this organization were harassed husbands. They began a systematic well-planned approach in addressing issues concerning harassed husbands, and their efforts soon paid off.
There are hundreds of women organizations and most of them are government-funded. When a husband is harassed by his wife, there is absolutely no recourse for the husband. Formation of Save Indian Family was the only last resort for these harassed husbands who had and still have no where to go for support. They had no choice but to fight head on. Formation of SIF was out of pure necessity. Now SIF is a fully integrated group of people coming from varied backgrounds from different countries contributing their expertise for the welfare of the society.
But, the efforts of the few members of SIF paid off more quickly than expected. Within a short span of time, the members grew from 10 to more than 800. Even the members who formed the organization were astonished to observe the rampant misuse of law by women and how these husbands and his parents are abandoned miserably by the legal system. They then decided to fight back against this injustice instead of burying their sufferings in the past like many thousands of men did in similar cases.
With the increasing number of members joining in, they did a commendable job of increasing awareness on a global level. However, there were plentiful of lucky people out there who apparently, enjoyed naming the organization as anti-women. If an organization is fighting against injustice is called anti-women, then what would they call hundreds of women organizations? These statements are given only when one wants to defend their wrongdoings. Women, understandably, disliked the activities of SIF for the simple reason that awareness of misuse of laws will only jeopardize the legal freedom of women to accuse anybody.
Many people even doubt the statistical reports provided by the SIF. Unfortunately, SIF has not yet conducted a large scale survey, which will not only unearth the massive misuse of laws by women but also reveal the selfish intentions of women organizations to keep mum on the issue. SIF has always relied on genuine sources of statistics and have presented to the people for awareness. None of the reports presented by SIF are fabricated, and those who don’t believe are the ones who don’t want SIF to blow up their secrets.
Most people come back by saying that dowry death, dowry harassment is still going on and therefore, the claims of SIF are exaggerated. Majority of the SIF members had the same belief that when dowry death/harassment is still there, then why is there a need to protect men. But, after knowing the reality, they had to change their views.
Women have become an important factor of vote bank politics.They have become a part of political correctness, which is bad news for the society. Women organization are only concerned with extracting legal rights for women to an extent that male-gender get enslaved under women power. False cases are rampant and police, lawyers too confirm but these women organization, especially the government-funded, clearly stipulates to the police, judiciary and media to give justice only to women. Now the media, police and lawyers can either earn their livelihood by following their orders or face suspension. What will they do? They can’t mess around with women organizations that are government-funded. And in this process, innocent people are victimized.
It is also true that most cases of women, which can categorically be excluded from dowry death/ harassment report, are inappropriately documented under dowry death/harassment. This misappropriation of documentation of women cases by the police on the instruction of women organization is the reason why dowry death/harassment cases are higher. Besides, dowry harassment cases also include those false cases where the husband and his parents have not demanded any dowry nor harassed any woman.
What will a common man do then? These harassed husband have no where to go for justice. And when organization like SIF comes into existence to provide solace and support to these harassed husbands, some people misconstrue their conviction as anti-women. Then in that case all women organizations are anti-men. If women organizations are, as perceived, supporting women issues, then SIF is supporting harassed husband. What is wrong in that? Why is there a feeling of apprehension in the people? Apprehension only shows that they have something to hide and don’t want SIF to unmask it out in the open.
Resistance from some people is bound to come in the form of criticism and sarcasm to defame SIF. SIF would have disappeared and pack their bags long back if their convictions were based on falsehood. SIF is still there and growing by leaps and bounds is a clear proof that SIF is fighting against injustice and not against female-gender. SIF is here to stay and will only spread its wings far and wide to provide necessary support to those harassed husband and victimized families.