When the abusive Indian wives/ex-wives are asked to stop their bad behavior they misuse IPC 498A and DV Act. Every one of them will have concocted a reason for doing so. Sometimes they will cry in order to cover up on their lies and gain public sympathy (Famous Pooja Chauhan).
At other times they will march semi-naked after informing the media beforehand. How dare the husband and in-laws question their behavior? They should know better than that!
They assume that it is their right to abuse the husband and in-laws simply because the law has empowered them with certain rights. These rights are the "Legal tools" to extort money (dowry law / domestic violence / alimony / rape case / sexual harassment) that were provided to them by a weak kneed legislature (that just wants to hold on to their seat/gaddi and fill their coffers) succumbed to pressure from the feminists groups. It is obvious that the leaders of the feminist groups (male hating divorcees/spinsters/lesbian) do not believe in the sanctity of the institution of marriage and simply want to destroy the Indian Family.
If any women is having problem with her Marriage, by filling such cases like dowry or Dv, will not solve their problems than getting divorce and force men to pay huge amount of alimony, by blackmailing with these laws. Because it is impossible to prove which is already false, for Indian judiciary whatever women says is right, so she can allege anything, they can blame with any false information and authority never try to find out the truth. As women are notorious to cry and make s such hue and cry to show she is right and all will believe in her words, proving wrong such dramatic scène is almost impossible. This affects those men who has not much influence in police or politics, mostly they are working classes.
Just looking at the numerous true cases that were filed against the members of the legislature where the police refused to file the complaints and if the complaints were filed, the Courts disposed them off within 6 months makes it obvious that the members of the legislature know that they are above the purview of all the bad laws that they have enacted (because even if true cases are filed against them, they can get away). Therefore, the legislature (rather than face dharnas and gheraos by the abusive women's unions whose leaders are their colleagues in the legislature and bail out the errant ministers in times of need) turns a blind eye towards the misuse of such laws by abusive women.
Therefore, abusive women will continue to misuse 498a and other gender-biased laws to show that they have the ability to continue their abuse and make their victims look like criminals, so that they can get revenge from the victim who dared challenge them and simultaneously secure their financial future thereafter. After all, it is all "Tax Free Money from Heaven" and it is their birthright and their golden goose.
Most such women have an abusive personality and a filthy past. When the husband or in-laws can no longer tolerate the abusive behavior of such women and chance upon the dirty secrets of such women, they then want the privilege of being a lady despite their un-ladylike behavior.
This is known as having your cake and eating it too!It is easy to make out who is abusive women, by checking all who filed 498a, they were abusive in their relation, marriage, at home; now they want to break away harassing husband with these pro women laws
What do the abusive Indian women allege upon their husbands and in-laws?They allege that their husband is immoral and in-laws are criminals.They file false criminal cases against their husbands/in-laws to harass and extort.They do so simply to further their abuse and get a large settlement from the man.
Whom do such abusive women pick on? According to a survey, most abusive Indian women typically pick on wealthy husbands and in-laws who have no legal/political/bureaucratic connections (like Arjun singh-A case under the Anti-Dowry Act has been registered against Union HRD Minister Arjun Singh, his wife Beena Singh, son Abhimanyu Singh, grandson Abhijeet Singh and three others at a police station on Sunday, police said on 30 July 2007).A man who has unmarried female siblings and elderly parents is harassed more.
Generally, children from small nuclear and respected families that have a decent image in the society and have the most to lose.Who helps these abusive women ?Women's organizations like the NCW, NGO's and some other organizations will gladly help the abusive women with political/ legal/bureaucratic connections.The lawyers and police help such women especially if they see a chance to make easy money.
Statistics says in 2004, 1,34,757 men held but only 5,739 men convicted, and 10,491 cases were not charge sheeted as they were based on frivolous grounds. it clearly shows that only 5% complaints are true and all others used to extort money or blackmail men in their Divorce or alimony.